45 Social by Social Propositions

When I've not been living it up in Texas, I've been co-writing a book with David Wilcox, Amy Sample-Ward and Cass Business School on how to use web 2.0 and digital technologies for social projects. It's going to be called Social by Social: a practical guide to using new technologies to deliver social impact and it should be published and distributed by NESTA next month. The centrepiece of the book is a set of fundamental principles to follow to help make a social technology project successful, and I'd like to share them with you now and hopefully get your feedback before publication.

The 45 Social by Social Propositions

A set of principles and guidelines which we believe underpin the most successful ‘social by social’ projects.

  1. People want control. If you give them tools for taking more control of their lives, they will pay you back in attention, support and even hard cash.
    1. Empowerment is unconditional. Telling people what they can and can’t do with your platform is like an electricity company restricting what its power can be used for.
    2. People make technology work. Think about mindset, language and skills before you think about tools, features and screen designs.
    3. Know your limits. Technology can solve information problems, organise communities and publish behaviours, but they can’t deliver food or care for the sick.
    4. You can't learn to fly by watching the pilot. If you want to understand new technologies, start using them. Dive in.
    5. Start at the top. Get the boss blogging or talking on YouTube.
    6. Don’t jump for the tool. Be clear on who your target audience are and what you will do for them. Choosing technology is the last thing you should do.
    7. Start small. It’s always better to build too little than too much. Beware of specifying costly systems until you are absolutely familiar with the tools and know how people would use them.
    8. Planning ahead is hard. Find cheap, easy ways to try your ideas out with real people in real situations before committing lots of resources.
    9. Expect the unexpected. Be prepared to develop tactically, evolving as you go, and learn to maximise possibilities.
    10. Give up on the illusion of control. In a networked world, organisations can no longer control what people think or say about their products and services. If you’re worried, get involved.
    11. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. The more you open things up, the less risk there is of damage to your reputation. And restricting access can severely reduce usage and innovation.
    12. Keep it messy. Design to support conversations, relationships, stories - not to organise documents. If everything’s neat and tidy, it’s because no-one’s there.
    13. In user-centred design, everyone is right. Evolve any tools and systems with the people who will use them, and respect their complaints. Bring them in and let them help you.
    14. Never assume, always ask. You can’t know what your community wants from you without asking and they are waiting for you to ask. Be specific, define the issue, problem or idea, and let the answers pour in. but be transparent about your next moves and highlight the answers that informed your next steps.
    15. Design for real people. Tailor your offering to the real skills and characteristics of your users, not how you’d like them to be.
    16. Keep it simple. Every time you add a feature to your toolset, you make the existing features harder to use.
    17. Don’t centralise, aggregate. Do you really need data centralisation? Well do you? Use lots of different, disconnected tools and then pull the content together into a central location.
    18. Be a pirate. Don’t make things yourself; make use of what others have already shared.
    19. Empty rooms are easier to redecorate. Be fast and loose with evolving your platform in the early stages, but be cautious of changing things once people start using them.
    20. Build it and they may well not come. Build relationships and they probably will.
    21. The world is a noisy place. Getting people’s attention means offering them something valuable.
    22. Go where people are. Experienced users have plenty of existing places already, and newcomers are difficult to recruit. Go to see them and say hello.
    23. Learn to listen before you start talking. Good conversations require good listeners more than good talkers. Learn how to say things that people want to hear.
    24. Be consistent. Whatever you say in public, remember you are talking to everyone, all the time, so stay true to your principles.
    25. You can’t force people to volunteer. Contributing content and spreading the word are voluntary activities, so learn how to create good invitations and actionable opportunities.
    26. Respect how people choose to communicate. Some will write, others take pictures or make movies. Most people will just listen and view, and maybe comment.
    27. Enthusiasts are more important than experts. Attitude beats ability when tools are cheap and easy.
    28. Be realistic about who will create content. It's about the same proportion as put their hands up at question time.
    29. Put your energy where their energy is. Support the early adopters rather than chasing the sceptics, and they will become your evangelists.
    30. All energy is good energy. If people are taking the time to criticise you, they are engaged. Don’t waste that.
    31. Throw a good party. Make it fun and sociable as well as worthwhile to get more commitment.
    32. Be a good host. Make people comfortable and then get out of the way.
    33. Don’t forget the tables and chairs. If you want people to communicate or collaborate online, bring them together face-to-face too.
    34. Keep your powder dry. Set aside as much money for design, copy and user testing, and for marketing and community engagement, as you do for software and hardware.
    35. A marathon, not a sprint. Launching the service is just the beginning; the hard work starts once you have something for people to engage with.
    36. Content is king. Providing great content, whether it’s resources, information, connections or conversations, means new users will find you and others will stick with you. Give people the means to share this content too, freely and openly.
    37. Eat your own dogfood. If you aren't using your own services, why would anyone else? And you can’t influence the community if you aren’t in it.
    38. Your users own the platform. If they feel own it, they will trust it, help sustain it, and find ways to use and improve the tools; if they aren't interested, no amount of pushing will help.
    39. Let people solve their own problems. As the amount of work grows, so does the number of workers.
    40. Someone has to pay. Although many online tools are free, everything has costs of time if not money. If possible, make sure the money comes from the core purpose of the project.
    41. Don’t confuse money with value. Look at the other assets you have in your community, like skills, volunteers and goodwill, and put them to use in sustaining it.
    42. No-one knows anything. The only thing worth watching is what your users are actually doing.
    43. Failure is useful. If you want to know what works, look at what didn't. Fail often, fail usefully.
    44. Say thank you in public. People don’t need to have something hand-written on headed paper to feel recognized. Use your tools to acknowledge the people who helped make them in a visible way.

    These propositions are a starting point for a new conversation about using technology to improve the world we live in. So, would you sign up to them? We may be wrong. And that’s fine. Let us know your thoughts, share them with other people you think may be interested, and we'll be putting them out more widely for discussion, additions and edits once we've figured out the right format. You can also add your links, articles and comments on the School of Everything Scrapbook for Social by Social too.

    And stay tuned for announcements on the book launch, I'll keep you posted here.

    #SXSW takeaways

    I've been off exploring lately. Those of you who follow me on Twitter etc. will have spotted that I was at '#sxsw' - also known as "South by Southwest". The South by Southwest Festival is held every year in Austin, Texas, and it's a huge international (mainly US of course) festival of Film, Music and Interactive content. The #kebab unpanel - photo by Benjamin Ellis

    School of Everything were out in force promoting ourselves internationally, meeting other start-ups and soaking up new ideas. The flavour was very much Silicon Valley though and I was surprised at the lack of cutting edge thinking in the panel discussions. I've come back feeling that the quality of discussion in London is extremely high: hearing apparently cutting-edge panellists repeating ideas which I'd heard two years ago in London made me feel we're really at the heart of something interesting over here.

    I enjoyed Steven Johnson's talk about the eco-system of news, not least because I enjoy analogies to ecology to describe business developments. I also enjoyed hearing Bruce Sterling rant about the recession, the human impact of web 2.0 and the importance of bringing your own beer to speaking gigs. And I managed to get myself into an argument with Chris Anderson of Wired about the economics of 'free' culture and the future of publishing, which actually included him shouting "screw the printers!" at me. All rather good fun, and he was nice enough to Twitter me afterwards and continue the discussion over here.

    The highlight though was undoubtedly the British invasion of the conference with the now-infamous #kebab session. In the pub with Richard Pope on the Saturday night, we decided that the conference needed stirring up and hence that we should run a Brit-focussed panel about using the web to achieve social aims rather than just "how to monetise Twitter". The next morning, Richard found us an empty room to steal, nagged me into facilitating it, and we somehow persuaded Mike Butcher and others to announce it - until by 2 o'clock we had a room full of people waiting for us to do something interesting.

    We ended up running "Not another social media panel" - an improvised 'panel-slam' event where anyone on the panel could instantly replaced by a member of the audience. Be interesting, be knowledgeable, or be replaced by someone who has something better to say. The result was a pleasing array of organised chaos, including user-generated name labels and a live Twitter-stream for the event following (for some reason) the hashtag #kebab. By the end of the session (via some references to monetising waterboarding and assorted US vs. UK banter) the entire panel had been replaced including me, the room was packed and 'kebab' had trended as the fifth most mentioned word on Twitter. There's some video footage kicking around in the Twitter stream, and we also ended up on Techcrunch, the Guardian and even in Wikipedia. Not bad for a little idea we had in the pub.

    We're now wondering how we can start a SXSW-style event (with added kebab) here in London and rally some of the cutting edge discussions around the UK start-up scene. Anyone interested in helping out with that, let me know.

    Andy Gibson explains Mindapples.org

    Thought it worth reblogging this from Mindapples.org. Craig at the O'Reilly GMT blog has very kindly posted a video interview with me explaining the Mindapples project and talking a bit about how far we've got.

    He caught me on the hop a bit: no time to do my hair, although I did manage to dress up a bit.

    Here's the video from YouTube below. Please do reblog it, Twitter it and send it round to friends and associates, and help us get a bit more attention.


    The Human Intranet

    Here's the presentation I gave at the NCVO Information Management Conference on Monday - now with added Zappa. the ABCD of Organisational Knowledge Management, by Andy Gibson

    Save the Jet Ski

    My random idea for a new environmental campaign just made Idea of the Week on Social Innovation Camp. Take a look! Thoughts and comments gratefully received - and please do submit your ideas to the next camp, I want lots of new things to work on and help with please. (Um, sort of...)

    And check out the utterly bonkers video my friend Claire made to promote the camp. It's like getting a lovely long hug while on drugs...


    Behavioural publishing

    Mindapples is coming along nicely (hence my silence here - sorry, too many blogs...), and whilst explaining the project to people I keep finding myself pushing the concept of 'behavioural publishing'. So I thought I'd better think out loud and try to explain what I mean. Mindapples asks a question that people want to know the answer to, and gives them a platform to share their answers in public. The idea is to encourage everyone to take more care of their minds, simply by publishing what people are already doing. The site doesn't help you 'do' anything in a practical sense. All it does (or at least will do once we've built a better website) is publish the behaviours that we want to see more of. And I think that, simply by publishing these behaviours, we can create more of them.

    As well as helping us practically to perform tasks, the web can also give us the inspiration to do things that we didn't previously feel were possible. For example, School of Everything provides a set of tools to help people organise their learning and find new students near them. But as my friend Stowe says, "the presence of the tool implies a permission to behave in a certain way." By building a website that helps everyone become a teacher, we want to show everyone that they have something to teach. Or to use another example, Flickr doesn't help you take photos, but by publishing the photos of millions of photographers it gives us all permission to be a photographer too.

    So if there is a behaviour you want to encourage - be that social care, photography, knitting or democracy - rather than leaping straight into building complex tools to help people do it, why not find where it's happening already and share it with the world? If you can rally the people together who want it to happen and tell their stories, maybe they'll build the tools for you.

    UK Catalyst Awards

    School of Everything won a UK Catalyst Award (from the Prime Minister no less) last month, which was particularly nice following so hot on the heels of our New Statesman New Media Award a few weeks ago. Aside from obviously being very flattered, what struck me about this one though was the curious focus on individuals compared to other social innovation awards. They seemed very keen to attribute each winning idea to one person and praise these special individuals for their unique creativity. There seemed to be little understanding of the teamwork that actually underpins genuine innovation and social enterprise. We even had to ask them to put the names of all five co-founders on their awards website.

    The Times Business section just featured a nice interview with me about the idea behind School of Everything, and re-telling the story to them reminded me of just what a collaborative process it has been to get this idea off the ground. If we'd been driven by one person's vision, I don't think we could have done it, at least not in the way we have. School of Everything is the product like best e cigarette but of all our experiences of education, the writings and experiments of various pioneers in the sixties and seventies, the advice of our friends and colleagues, the activities and desires of our users.

    Ideas don't just pop out of thin air, they emerge from conversations, collaboration, stimulation. It's wonderful that the Government are starting to recognise the contribution of social innovation and web 2.0 to our communities and social services. But maybe they need to adjust their perceptions about how change actually happens, or else they risk undermining the very thing they seek to celebrate.

    Everything wins!

    Look! School of Everything just won an award! [wp_caption id="attachment_75" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Team Everything celebrate with characteristic restraint and good taste."]Everything wins![/wp_caption]

    We won a New Statesman New Media Award, in the Inform and Educate category, which is very nice indeed thankyouverymuch. Big thanks to the judges, the New Statesman and everyone who nominated us, cheered us on and generally spread the love.

    Next stop, the world! Bwahahahahahahaha! Ahem. Yes.

    What's the 5-a-day for mental health?

    Things are starting to kick-off on the Mindapples project. Take the Mindapples test today and help us find the most popular things people do to keep themselves mentally healthy.

    We've gone for the low-tech option (thanks to Tessy for the inspiration) and used Surveymonkey to create a quick survey to find out people's five-a-days. We'll publish the results on the new Mindapples blog, www.mindapples.org, once we've had a few responses, and then we'll use the popularity of the survey to attract investment to launch it as a proper campaign.

    So please, tell us your five-a-day, tell your friends, and help us get this project going.

    More videos of me with bad hair

    It's dangerous who you get talking to these days: in this age of consumer media and mobile technology, everyone's a TV journalist. I went for a drink in the sunshine with Stowe Boyd yesterday after the School of Everything Tech Advisory Board, and the next thing I know I'm being interviewed on his N82 and streamed live to his blog:


    The technology was so quick, I didn't even have time to do my hair...

    Look mum, I'm in the Guardian!

    Lovely piece about School of Everything in today's Guardian. I particularly like the "Explain your project to my mum" question, which should really be mandatory on all project specifications. (Not quite so sure about my hair in the photo though...) And while we're at it, a nice piece about us from Libby Davy on Authentic Blogging too, and some kind words from my friend Tessy.

    I'm feeling the love...

    SI Camp: The Movie

    Social Innovation Camp: the Movie is now online, courtesy of our friends at The People Speak:

    Feeling incredibly inspired now. We must do it again!

    (I don't really think the truth is overrated by the way...)

    Trampoline FlightDeck

    Nice piece about my friends at Trampoline Systems in CRM Magazine this month, also featuring a nice cheesy quote from yours truly about the future of CRM software. You can read the full piece here, and I also highly recommend Trampoline's Enron Explorer - great for fans of network visualisation software and/or massive industrial fraud.

    From the frontline... Social Innovation Camp

    Long day at SI Camp (particularly long after the opening party last night), but there's some really fascinating stuff being developed here. Lots of great people have turned out to help, and the buzz is fantastic here. I've been dividing my time between Stuffshare, Barcode Wikipedia and Personal Development Reports, working with John Grant and others to help the teams define their propositions, focus their efforts and create compelling ways of explaining what they do. The potential for all three are huge, particularly the barcode guys who have such a simple idea but the potential to completely transform the consumer marketplace. I'm also having a lot of fun thinking up new names for them all.

    On the way we've been creating lots of entertaining new buzzwords for what social technology does. I'm enjoying David Wilcox's new "social reporter" meme, and the cheekiness of attempting "market transformation", but my favourite so far is "behavioural publishing" - for when it's not about enabling new behaviours, it's about using technology to show what's already happening and encourage more of it. What behaviours of yours would you like to "publish"? Lots of fun to be had with this one.

    Off home to relax now in preparation for another intense day of camping tomorrow. I plan to spend tomorrow morning interrogating each of the teams on their business models and 5-minute pitches, ready for the final show and tell in the afternoon. I wonder who'll win...?

    Money for Everything

    School of Everything is now officially solvent. We announced the deal yesterday, and it's been picked up quite a bit already:

    I'll add more links here as they come in, but see www.schoolofeverything.com/about/media for the best of the coverage.

    Now we've just got to build it and make it work...

    Steal This Idea, Part 1: Partner Up

    Social Innovation Camp unfortunately haven't selected Partner Up as one of their final proposals, so it's time to take this forward by another route. Thanks to John Craig, PRADSA, School for Social Entrepreneurs, David Wilcox and others for all your positive comments and offers of support. There's definitely some momentum to this one and it would be a shame to lose it. The trouble is, I really don't have time to lead the project myself, just to provide ideas, positive energy and design direction. So the next question is, who's interested in taking the project forward? UnLtd World, the Office of the Third Sector, the Charity Commission, Companies House, Innovation Exchange - please step forward. There are hundreds of charities, social enterprises, public bodies and commercial companies who need ways of working together, and maybe we can help them.

    So please, steal this idea! Drop me a line at andy[at]sociability.org.uk if you're interested in "partnering up", or leave a comment here.

    Freeschool Tools

    I've been rambling on about Freeschools again. Here's me yesterday explaining how to turn any community into a school by the simple application of a few post-its and a bit of enthusiasm...

    Thanks to the ever-sociable David Wilcox for the video, and for his excellent accompanying blog post. And why not join the Sociability Freeschool on our new experimental freeschools site? Let me know what you think of it, and what you could teach me.

    Living from day to day

    Very busy at the moment (plus ca change) but lots of interesting things in the pipeline.  Interesting Drupal developments afoot, of which more later, and School of Everything is speeding up like a herd of very purposeful buffalo. But most of my headspace this week has been taken up with this week's idea for Social Innovation Camp. Our daily habits are such a crucial part of who we are and how we relate to the world, so isn't it about time we started thinking about how they affect our minds? And can sharing and discussing our habits online make us more conscious of them, and help us be healthier and happier?

    I'm hoping SI Camp can provide the springboard to launch this as a proper campaign, and potentially Sociability's first straight "social" project. So if you've got any comments, want to help, or wouldn't mind sharing your own five-a-day, let me know.

    Social Innovation Camp

    My friends Paul Miller and Anna Maybank are hard at work at the desks next to me developing Social Innovation Camp. The idea is to bring hackers and social innovators together to use "web 2.0 tools" to solve social problems. I've just submitted my first idea - Partner Up: prosocial networking for organisations. Any comments welcome, and please do submit a few ideas of your own and make my co-workers happy. I'm going to put a few more into the mix over the next few weeks. It's shaping up to be a rather nice event.

    Tools I Wish Existed, Part 1: Placebook

    I've been playing with Platial this week to see if it can give me the functionality I've been wanting for the past year, for geographic bookmarking. I've been playing around with this concept of "Placebook" for some months now, which would be a Facebook app to allow me to bookmark places I want to remember (via my mobile), tag them with metadata like "quiet drink" and "business meeting", share them with only my Facebook friends (or keep them entirely private), and recall them on my mobile when I'm wandering around trying to remember "where that great little bar was that thingy took me to that time when we had the fish. You know?" I'm very happy to say that Platial looks pretty neat and doesn't get bogged down in shackling my places to "official information" such as Google local or UGC venue data - which means I can actually call things "My house" and "The tree where I had my first kiss" and so on. Great news for all you psychogeographers (or "neogeographers") out there. It's also a good interface and seems sufficiently playful, despite some slight clunkiness with the categories and geo-location stuff. (I haven't yet checked what they're using for location data, but I'm really hoping it's the lovely Geonames.)

    The bad news though is that, like all these sites, they insist on sharing. I've been saying for a while now that there are some commodities that don't follow the usual rules of the social web, specifically all those which are limited in quantity, such as physical space, or trendspotting. I've been rather ponderously calling this the esoteric web, which simply means any information which needs to be kept secret from the many and shared amongst the few. Put simply, if you tell everyone about your favourite restaurant, the next week you can't get a table. And I definitely don't want to tell everyone else where I live, or where I had my first kiss. Social sites like Trusted Places tend to be full of places we like, but rarely places we love.

    So please, dear Platial, here's what I want for Christmas:

    • let me add private bookmarks that only I, or selected loved ones, can see the places that are important to me;
    • plug yourselves into the Facebook/Open Social thang so I can use my existing networks to control my sharing, rather than creating yet more blasted online "buddies"; and
    • give me a nice neat mobile app so I can bookmark places on the move, and find them again quickly when I'm lost in Soho again and my date is shouting at me.

    Come on, you know it makes sense. Please don't make me have to build it myself, I've got too much to do already.